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Curriculum vitae
Eva Marion Johannessen
Born in Oslo. Norwegian citizenship.
Civil status: Married.
Lives in Oslo.
Cell phone: +4791812799
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1957-62 Oslo Cathedral school
1962-63 Oslo Commercial school
1967-75 Undergraduate and graduate studies at University of Oslo (UiO). Degree: Cand.paed (Educational psychologist)
1985. Fullbright scholarship. Postgraduate studies in consultation and educational psychology. University of Berkeley, USA, School of education.
1991. Dr.scient. (Ph.d) at Department of Special Education, UiO. Dissertation: Group consultation in a Day Care center.
Norwegian (mother tongue)
English (very good written and spoken)
French (very good spoken, average written)
Portuguese (very good spoken, average written)
Spanish (read and understand)
German (read and understand)
Stays abroad
1964-67 Geneva, Switzerland
Spring 1985 Berkeley University, California, USA
1994-95 Cairo, Egypt
1996-1998 Mozambique
Professional background
1963-67 Secretary, Oslo and Geneva
1971-73 Teacher in junior high school
1975-94 Associate professor, Teacher training College (Barnevernsakademiet), Oslo.Head of postgraduate course in special education 1980-1994.
1979-81 Educational psychologist, Oslo
1990-92 Head of evaluation projects on counselling and guidance to preschool teachers. Ministry of family and child affairs.
1975-96 Guest speaker, key note speaker, external examinator, short time lecturer, academic advisor to Uio and various teacher training colleges in Norway and Scandinavia.
1984-92 Appointed member of the Norwegian National Commission to Unesco, Education sector. Norwegian official representative at Unesco’s General Assembly (three times)
Since 1985, Writer, member of Norwegian non-ficton writers’ association.
1993-94 Adviser to special education team in Oslo
1994-95 Programme director and professor, Right to Live Association, Cairo, Egypt
1995 - 97 Part time lecturer and advisor , Right to Live Association, Cairo
1995—1999 Associate professor University of Oslo, Department of Special education, Faculty of Education.
1996-2000 Coordinator (NUFU project) for establishing a Master Degree project at the University of Addis Ababa.
1999 Short time lecturer at the University of Addis Ababa, Faculty of Education.
Since 1999 Full time independent consultant, writer, researcher, lecturer, evaluator
2000-2001 Consultant to special education team in Oslo (bydel Gamle Oslo)
2002-2014 Lectures in special education, multicultural communication and indigenous education at UiO, various Teacher training colleges and conferences
2009-2014 External academic advisor to Oslo University College (HiO)
2004-2010 Member of Operation Day’s work expert group
2011-2012 Academic consultant to the Environmental Association (Naturvernforbundet) on education projects.
2014 Presenter at international conference on minority issues at University of Tromsø.
2014-2015 Lecturer at Hio and Univ of Tromsø on counselling and multicultural perspectives.
Consultancies, evaluations 1999-2010
Norwegian organisations
1997-1998 Save the Children Norway, Mozambique
1998 Save the Children UK, Mozambique
1999, 2004, 2007 NORAD (Norwegian agency for development cooperation). Angola (twice), Indonesia (1 )
2000-2005 Norwegian Refugee Council. (Angola (3 times), Southern Caucasus, Burundi (twice), Congo, Sierra Leone
2000-2004 Save the children, Norway (5 times)
2001-2010 Rainforest foundation Norway (6 times)
2003 OD Operation Day’s work, (Kenya)
2006-2007 The Norwegian Burma committee, North Thailand (twice)
2008 Steenbuch Foundation (South Africa)
2009-2010 Atlas alliance (Tanzania)
2010 Norwegian Church Aid (Brazil)
2000 UNICEF/NRC Angola
2002-2003 UNHCR team leader, evaluation of GTZ education programme for Afghan refugees in Pakistan
2004 Unesco Thematic study. Management of teachers in emergencies.
Other non-governmental organisations
2006 Swedish Afghanistan Committee , Afghanistan
2009 Concern Worldwide, Angola
- Schools in the rainforest.
Innovative indigenous education in the Amazon.
- Rådgivning i barnehagen. (Counselling in Day Care Centers) Universitetsforlaget, 1985.
- Rådgivning - Tradisjoner, teoretiske perspektiver og praksis. (Counselling and guidance). Universitetsforlaget. 1994 (together with Erling Kokkersvold og Liv Vedeler.) Third revised edition (Gyldendal forlag) 2010. E-book 2013 (
- Lille Per altfor vill. Lille Kari altfor snill (On socio-emotional problems in Day Care Centers) Sebu forlag. 1995. (also published in Sweden, Barn med socio-emotionella problem (Children with socio-emotional problems) Studentliteratur, 1997).
- Spesialpedagogikk i praksis (Special education in practice) SEBU forlag 1999 (together with G. Larsson-Swärd)
- Mye er forskjellig, men bare utenpå? Child-rearing and diversity in a multi-cultural perspective. SEBU forlag, 2007.
- Schools in the rainforest. (2009) Innovative indigenous education in the Amazon. (Rainforest Foundation Norway). Available on internet (Schools in the rainforest)
Articles in books
- "Hvis det ikke hadde vært for han, så kunne vi ha....", Gruppekonsultasjon rettet mot rådsøkere i en barnehage. (Group consultation with consultees in a Kindergarten, article in book on consultation) In "Konsultasjon. Modeller og erfaringer" (red. W. Fjeldstad). Tano forlag, 1991.
- Fra utdanning til yrke. Er veiledning løsningen? (Supervising preschool teachers, article in book) In "Her kommer jeg" (red. L. Askland). Pedagogisk Forum. 1994
- Complicating the thinking of the consultee. In (Lambert N. et al., eds) Consultee-centered Consultation. Lawrence Erlbaum, USA (2004)
- What does it mean to be modern? (Desafios para o future das escolas em aldeias indigenas) In Educacao escolar indigena do Rio Negro 1998-2011 (Indigenous school education in Rio Negro 1998-2011). Ed. Flora Dias Cabalzar. 2012. FOIRN/Instituto Socioambiental. Sao Paulo. Brazil.
Selected articles 1981-2002
- Førskolelæreren, yrkesrolle og -identitet. Barnehagen og foreldrene. Kursrapport. Fylkesmannen i Oppland, barnehage¬konsulenten. Juni 1981. (The preschool teacher, professional role and identity)
- Hva er spesialpedagogisk hjelp til førskolebarn? (What is meant by special education to children under school age?) Spesialpedagogikk nr. 9, 1982
- Barnehagen viktig for barnevernet! (Day care is important for children in need of special care) Norges Barnevern, nr. 4, 1983.
- Konsultasjonsmodeller (Models of consultation) Barnevernsakademiets skrift-serie. 2/1984.
- Førskolelærere og observasjon - en empirisk undersøkelse. (Preschool teachers and observation. An empirical study) Pedagogen 1984. (i samarbeid med Reidar J. Pettersen)
- Geni eller sjarlatan? Besøk på Glenn Domans institutt i Philadelphia. (Genius or charlatan? Visiting Glenn Doman's institute in Philadelphia) Nordisk tidsskrift for spesialpedagogikk nr. 4, 1985, also published in CP.bladet (Tidsskrift for cerebral parese foreningen) nr. 1, 1987.s. 289-305. 14 s.
- Barnemishandling og incest. (Child abuse and incest) En rapport fra USA. Norges Barne¬vern, nr. 1, 1986.
- Flinkere barn - lykkeligere barn? (Brighter children - happier children?) Art. i Norsk Skoleblad, nr. 1, 1986
- Hvordan kan barn lære å bli mer populære lekekamerater? (How to help children become more popular playmates) Debattserien for barnehagefolk, nr. 2, 1987, s. 38-50)
- "Spesielle " barn i "normale" barnehager. ("Special" children in "normal" Day care centers) Nordisk tidsskrift for spesialpedagogikk nr. 4, 1989, s. 201-208.
- "Vi må ha ekstrahjelp" - søkelys på bruken av ekstra ressurser til "spesielle" barn i "normale" barnehager. - (Focus on assistant teachers assigned to children with special needs) Nordisk tidsskrift for spesialpedagogikk, nr. 1, 1990.
- Subjektive og objektive observasjoner av "problem" barn. (Subjective and objective observations of problem-children) Spesialpedagogikk nr, 11, 1990.
- Kritisk analyse av norsk barnehagepedagogikk med særlig vekt på spesialpedagogiske perspektiver (Critical analysis of Norwegian preschool education with emphasis on special education) ( Norsk Pedagogisk tidsskrift 3/1992)
- "Det alminnelige og det spesielle" (On special education in Day care centers) Artikkel i Debattserien for barnehagefolk. (Debattserien for barnehagefolk, 1, 1992).
- Veiledning i morgendagens barnehager? Refleksjoner over veiledning og utdanning i barnehagesammenheng (On counselling and education) (Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, nr. 5, 1992).
- Psykologen som konsulent for andre professioner - et arbejdsområde i vækst. (The psychologist as a consultant to other professions - a growing field.) In «Psykologi i et jubilæeumsperspektiv.» Psychology at the 25th anniversary of Institute of Psychology at University of Aarhus, Denmark.Aarhus 1994.
- Sirkulære faser i rådgivningsprosessen. (Circular stages in the process of consultation) Nordisk tidsskrift for spesialpedagogikk l. 97
- Can we transfer knowledge from one culture to another? (in Norwegian). Barnehagefolk 3/2003.
- Eurocentrism and childrearing (in Norwegian). Barnehagefolk. Decmber 2008.
Unpublished articles/papers
- "The researcher as instrument". Paper presented at Research symposium for Qualitative research, Italy 1987
- Konsultasjon med barnehagepersonale - aspekter ved bruk av video i forskningsssammenheng. (Consultation - videotaping techniques in research) Paper presented at research congress NFPT in Copenhagen 1987
- "The troublemaker". unpubl. paper 1988
- "The beauty and the beast" - perceptions of scapegoats and teache¬r's pets in a day care center. 1989.Paper presented at the international Human Science Research conference in Aarhus, Denmark 1989.
- Ethics and teacher education. Lecture at a seminar introducing Max van Manens book "The tact of teaching". Bergen teacher training College, Norway.. April 1993.
- Withdrawal and aggression: Naughty boys and nice girls in the classroom. Lecture at Seminar in Cairo, the Right to Live Association, October 1995
- Observing and understanding social behavior in the classroom. Lecture at Seminar in Cairo, Right to Live Association, April 1997
- Counselling parents regarding their handicapped child. Lecture at Seminar in Cairo, the Right to Live Association, April 1997
- How to complicate the thinking of the consultee. Paper presented at the 2nd international conference on consultee-centred consultation. Stockholm. May 1999
- Slow education – can we afford it? (2014) Presentation at the international conference Education, learning and indigenous people’s rights. Forum for Development cooperation with indigenous people. Tromsø (University of Tromsø) april 2014
Selected research reports
- Samtalegrupper med barnehagepersonale som ledd i pedagogisk-psykologisk tjenestes arbeid i Oslo. Barnevernsakademiet (skrift¬serie), Oslo, 1983 (Consultation groups with staff in day care centers)
- Pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste - førstelinjetjeneste med utvidet ansvarsområde. (On educational-psychological service centers) Barnevernsakademiet (skriftserie), Oslo, 1984
- "Tiltak for førskolebarn (0-7 år) med behov for spesialpedagogisk hjelp". (Provision of facilities for children with special needs) Rapport nr. 6 Grunnskolerådet 1987.I samarbeid med Ola Bræin og Liv Vedeler.
- "Gruppekonsultasjon med barnehagepersonale". (Group consultation in a Day Care Center. Dissertation) Statenspesiallærerhøgskole. 1990.
- Fra utdanning til yrke. Evaluering av forsøk med veiledning til nyutdannet førskolelærere. (Evaluation report on supervision to preschool teachers) I samarbeid med Sidsel Hauge og Wiebke Klages). Ministry of Child and Family affairs. Barnevernsakademiet. Skriftserie 1/92
- Veien blir til mens du går. Evaluering av prosjektet "Veiledning til styrere" etter en modell av Handal, Lauvås og Lycke. (Evaluation report on supervision to directors in Day Care Centers) i samarbeid med Sidsel Hauge og Wiebke Klages. Ministry of Child and Family affairs S1992. Rapport. Barnevernsakademiet i Oslo.
- Sisters, wives, mothers, neighbours and teachers. Female life and special education in Cairo, Egypt. Department of Special Education, University of Oslo. September 1996.
- 2004-2006 Management of teachers in emergencies Unesco. Thematic study (not published)
- Basic Education – Also a question of quality. A study on research regarding Quality in Basic Education. Save the Children Norway’s Research Foundation. Final Report 2005.
Selected evaluation/consultation reports
Education is our hope for the future (Educacao e a nossa esperanca para o futuro).Evaluation (in English and Portuguese) of seminars for teachers in the district of Guro, Manica province. November 1997 Redd Barna, Mozambique
- Reaching children-out-of-school. A study on non formal basic education in Mozambique. Redd Barna, Moz. 1998
- «They are our children». A study on basic education in Angola. NORAD. December 1999
- Memo on Mediating Learning Experience (MLE). Save the Children Norway. Oslo. February 2000
- Evaluation of Teacher Emergency Package in Angola. The Norwegian Refugee Council and UNICEF. June 2000
- Guidelines for Evaluation of Education projects in emergency situations. The Norwegian Refugee Council. March 2001.
- An inclusive, relevant and developmental basic education for all. Final report in Save the Children Norway’s global evaluation of their basic education program. September 2001.
- Evaluation of Human Rights Education in Southern Caucasus. Norwegian Refugee Council. February 2002
- Evaluation of GTZs BEFARe programme in Pakistan. UNHCR. 2002 (Together with Ekanayake, S.B. and Bude, U.)
- Report on evaluation of ISA/FOIRNs integrated project in Rio Negro, Amazonas, (Norwegian-Brazilian team) The Norwegian Rainforest Foundation. 2004
- Midterm review of the programme “Quality improvement of Education for children with visual impairment in Indonesia”. Norad, 2004
- Evaluation of TEP in DR Congo. The Norwegian Refugee Council. 2005.
- Unity and diversity. Evaluation of NHEC. The Norwegian Burma committee. 2006
- Evaluation of the Escolas de Professores do Futuro in Bie Province, Angola. 2007. Norad.
- An experience of Authorship. Evaluation of indigenous education programme in Acre, Brazil (together with Luciano Padrao) Rainforest Norway. 2007.(cf
- Education for all – also in rural areas? An assessment of education and living conditions in Cachingues, Angola. Concern Worldwide 2009.
- External evaluation of the OD programme Combating Human Trafficking in Brazil. Norwegian Church Aid. 2010. (together with Luciano Padrao) (cf.